Cloud: Quick-Start#
This JupyterHub instance is currently deployed on USGS’s AWS account, and any USGS employee can request access to this space. Once you are added, the url will take you to your own personal JupyterHub space. The files in this space are only visible/accessible to the user who created them, so you will need to push them to a shared repository to work collaboratively. You will also have access to a shared set of kernels that are managed by USGS’s Cloud Technologies (CTek) team in the Enterprise Technology Office (ETO). To use this JupyterHub instance:
Obtain access to
by following these instructionsOpen in your browser
Spawn a server with the appropriate specifications from the menu of options that appears (the smallest one is probably fine if you are just testing things out)
Launch a terminal, configure your Github credentials, and clone this repository (or another that you are working on) into your working space
Use the navigation panel on the left to open a notebook, and select the pangeo conda env kernel in the dropdown menu in the upper right
Now you are ready to run/develop your notebooks
If you want to update the packages in the pangeo kernel, you will need to create a merge request with changes to this environment.yml. Here is an example of a successfully merged request. Please note that the update to the environment may take several weeks to go through.